Wednesday, November 9, 2016

week 12- 13 - Final project

The comic strip is inspired by the meme, Unlucky brian.

In this case the comic strip is titled, " Problems in life with unlucky brian".

The comics aims to depict really common problems that many people face in life such as headache, having a fire at home, lack of sleep to work, being hungry and many more that would be depicted in the comic. And also the solution to these issues.

For the first six piece of comic strip, I created the comic strip digitally using photoshop, microsoft powerpoint and I wrote out all the words in the comic strips. After that, I wanted to experiment, so for the last two comic strip, I have make use of mainly collage by cutting out pictures, trying to fit into boxes that I draw out. I realised that collage might not be efficient as size and handicraft quality is an issue in piecing the parts into the comic strip.


 Collage processes:

Analysis and Interpretation
Basically the comic would try to tell the audience that there is no problem in life that is without solution. Even unlucky brian, who have unluckily face a myriad of problems in his life, he is not giving up and is always seeking for a solution to remedy his problem.

Evaluation and Judgment
Some people might feel that the comic might not be relatable to them while some other people might think that the individual in the comic is just unlucky and he/she would not be faced with such an issue in life.

Below are some  pictures of each comic strip that would be made into a booklet.

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