Tuesday, October 25, 2016

week 10- Typography and layout

Typography and layout is particularly important in terms of design to communicate well with your audience.Spaces between letters, words and lines of type contribute to design, readability, texture, tone. What we pick for headings and text passages is important. For headings, it is essential to pick type that are larger, more dominant and possibly more artistic and different from other text:

For the body, Readability is paramount.  Some of the guidelines used in books and newspaper are as follows:

Typesize rules of thumb for body copy:

• 10-12 pt most readable for continuous type.

• Newspapers 9 pt.

• Classifieds 6 pt.


Similarly, layout also provides an overall neatness, readability which would also have an impact on effective communication. A neat layout enables readers to find essential and important information in an article. In a poster, layout would certainly help the user focus on what is important at first sight and subsequently where to look for additional information in a poster. For example:

The word "legless" and the picture capture the attention of the viewer and subsequently, the viewer might be curious and look for additional info, such as the words under the heading "legless" and then realising that it is actually a film. Other information could also be easily found in the neatly laid out poster.

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