Tuesday, October 18, 2016

week 9 - brands

Branding is very important to a organization as it represents the personality and the image that is perceived by its consumers. It is what makes a organization unique and different from other companies. This is especially important when organization makes an effort to woo their target audience to their company if their brand personality is not distinct, it makes no different from who the target audience actually purchase their product from. This is especially important for more technical products such as smartphones. Majority of the people would not know very specifically what specifications they want to have in detail for their smartphones. For example, Apple. People looking for a smartphone might recognise the brand and would save time in searching for more information pertaining to smartphone and instead, knowing the quality of Apple products, they would not look into very much details about the specifications (maybe a bit) but instead just purchase the phone , trusting the brand. It serve as a short cut for individuals to make purchasing decisions.

Image result for apple

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