Wednesday, October 5, 2016

week 7 lecture reflection - colour

In general, studying colour is very important in visual communication. Understanding the mechanics of subtractive and addictive colour systems could actually help the visual designer actually come out with the desired effects shown ultimately to the audiences. For example, for poster design, it is important to use the right colour combination to actually ensure that important elements are standing out of the rest of the elements and not having every element to scream for attention. Another example would be interior design. Certain stores make use of certain colours depending on what they are selling or what service they are providing. For example, for a SPA, providing a relaxation service, it is crucial for the store owners to choose carefully and decide whether to make use of warm colours vs cool colours for their desired effect. Making use of warm colours bring about a more intimate and cosy feel while for cool colours, the ability to calm and soothe.

In a colour wheel, colours opposite of each other tend to compliment each other in web design.

For example, look at the opposite colour of orange and blue. NUS make use of this two colours to actually make its logo.

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