Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 8 tutorial - graphic illustration 1A - graphic design

This picture is actually a collage of many different elements pieced out to form the shape of a peacock. A male peacock is an animal who attempt to make use of its "feathers" to show off or attract its female counterpart. In this sense, the picture consist of elements in the urban landscapes, modern sports cars, modern military forces, animals, houses, scenery and modern writing instruments. All these portray mostly the elements of attractiveness and "show off".

Making use of techniques such as repetition, i created the two side's feather of t he peacock. The papercut of the car and the animals are put over a black piece of paper and photocopied. The dog's head for the positive and negative spaces are being photocopied and cut out. The traced pictures to create lines is also photocopied to form parts of the peacock feather. The other elements are being reconstructed to form the shape of the peacock.

Analysis and Interpretation
The art piece actually want to portray the element of showing off - through many means - For urban landscape, government continually beautify its cities to attract tourist, just like the peacock. Sports cars similarly is to show off, modern military for the government to show off its prowess, the rest of element portraying attractiveness. This is apt and similar to the characteristic of the peacock who also shows off its beautiful feather.

Evaluation and Judgment
However, people might not think otherwise. At first glance it might not exactly look like a peacock totally until a while, people might think of peacock as a beautiful bird but not as an animal who show off. Only people who have the knowledge that a peacock actually uses its feather to attract its female counterparts, then they would better interpret the art piece.

process pictures:

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