Saturday, October 8, 2016

Week 8 lecture reflection - harmony, contrast, repetition, unity

Harmony is very important in design. In harmony, elements should all look like it is an entity for example in a poster, if not certain elements would look as if it is not part of the image and hence losing the element of harmony. Having one or more element that is not harmonious with the rest also would possibly make the art piece sloppy and . For example, take a look at a messy and disorganised room, everything is not consistent and different random elements actually make the room look really sloppy:

Making use of contrast bring about focal points and important elements. That is making use of contrast to ensure that an element actually look different from the rest in term of size, colour or shape. But certain attributes still retains to ensure that it is harmonious with other elements. One example would be a movie poster which make use of contrast to bring out the idea of the poster itself, the black and white increases the contrast of two different separate elements which make the two shape separate from each other at the same time, it is harmonious as two elements look closely related as one entity:

Having this two element, we can say that there is unity in the design poster as elements sort of "glue" together as one. Balance can also be seen in the poster above as there is no uneven distribution of elements (ie one side more stuff than the other) it looks really even. Another concept is repetition, giving viewers a predictable frequency or rhythm which is able to create unity in design. One example is as follows, everything is repeated and it makes the whole art piece look really "unified" as one entity.:

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