Tuesday, September 27, 2016

week 3 reflection

I personally felt that Dada movement or Dadaism is a very interesting means of bringing ideas across, often through provocation through putting ideas in art pieces. It is definitely ironic to think that Dadaism is actually anti-art, at the same time confronting art values through the usage of art which makes it even more interesting. I feel that the concept could be applied to many countries who are facing a lack of freedom of speech and through art is a means of expressing certain thoughts that may not be explicit and able to stroll along and maintain legal boundaries. One of such art pieces that i come across which i think is interesting is as follows:

RAOUL HAUSMANN (1886-1971)
'The Spirit of Our Time', 1920 (assemblage)
Taken from: http://www.artyfactory.com/art_appreciation/art_movements/dadaism.htm

‘Spirit of Our Time’ is a sculptural metaphor for the inability of the establishment to inspire the changes necessary to rebuild a better Germany. The different details of the blockhead actually shows inadequacies that is lacking to be a better Germany, such as the block out eyes of the blockhead which indicates blind and lack of creativity and thinking out of the box. It does not seem like an artpiece to actually confront Germans but in explicitly these ideas are actually expressed.

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