Sunday, September 4, 2016

week 4 tutorial - tracing of details and outline

The image that i have used to trace is as follows:


Personally, the photographer is trying to capture the different intricate parts of the architecture of the urban landscape. It is something very much different from usual urban landscape structures as there are many panels on the window pane of the structure. The different lines and arrangement make the structure unique and pleasant to appreciate in terms of design.

The photo was captured using a typical camera and converted to black and white. The contrast is also darken to give the photo a more darker outlook. These editing make the different details more pronounced and beautify the photo by giving it an emotional and mystical feel to the photo itself.

Analysis and Interpretation

The photographer is trying to capture the essence of emotions and mystical feeling in the photo. Behind the urban landscape and building, there might be many unknown facts about the building itself. The designer of the building might be trying to convey certain ideas such as the intricacies in today's modern society which is portrayed through the modern urban landscape. Hence, instead of just having a simple window pane over the building many little details are being added into the building itself. It might also be conveyed in a means that the complexity of today's modern society is being portrayed on the complex window pane design. It could also brings about emotions, where today's society brings stress to people which is why the lines are complex and possibly "messy" to some.

Evaluation and Judgment

However, people may not think otherwise. Most people would just think that the photographer take it because of the design and no other intention to convey ideas. People's perspectives might be different depending on what they experience in life. Some might feel more emotionally distress while others might feel very optimistic and happy. This might change the way they actually interpret this image. This image is hence very broad and vague and does not provide much direction in which the viewer could actually interpret the image.

First i make use of a thick black marker to trace the outlines of the panels

Thereafter, i make use of a thin marker to add the details (lines of the window pane), on alternate window panes, i make use of pencil to trace.

For the window panes at the side of the picture along with the lamps, i make use of a thick red marker

Piecing all the tracings of details and outline:

These experiementations of different lines is to ensure that the different important elements are actually prominent when piced together. Looking at the original image, the lamps is present but is hard to see. Hence, with the use of a different colour of marker medium, it is much easier to see all these small details amidst the dull picture. Initially, i made use of many more medium to create the lines, however, having too many layers of medium would result in certain layers to be not visible if they are being pieced together. Ultimately, it is important to place the layer with the thicker mediums, which is used it for my outline at the bottom and the thinner mediums which I use to create the details at the top.

Other experimentation

I feel that tracing paper used should be kept at a minimal, after experimenting i found that using a thick marker for details would be more effective in bringing out the image when tracing papers are being pieced together.

After the line image is done:

The main gist of the image is still retained but certain details are being brought out from the image such as lamps, while fading other details such as the different lines on the window pane. The darkness that is present in the original image is also removed.

The image is traced from the original image using markers of various colours and thickness (mainly black and red, 0.7mm to 1.2mm thickness), markers, colour pencils and pencils (0.5mm thickness). Each part of the details is being traced on a separate piece of tracing paper before it is being pieced together on the tracing paper.

Analysis and Interpretation
This image removes the element of darkness which then removes the emotional and mysterious element of the image. This image convey a different idea. Instead it is trying to bring about the appreciation of the details by bringing out the clear strokes of the different details. Each details actually has its own unique parts but does not mean anything by its own. Only by piecing them together, it forms the image of an urban landscape.

Evaluation and Judgment

If not properly aligned or pieced together, this image might not have the desired effect of forming an image of an urban landscape. Hence, it is crucial for viewers to piece them together properly. Another flaw is that people who do not have much exposure to such urban landscapes might not recognise that the image is an urban landscape, which might be a problem in terms of interpretation

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