Wednesday, September 21, 2016

week 6 tutorial - negative and positive spaces

Image one - original image


Personally, this image captures the essence of an innocent pet dog having fun outdoors. The grass and the ball encapsulates the idea of having fun outdoors and the theme of "sunny outdoors"


The picture is taken from a digital photograph by a photographer, changed to black and white digitally and contrast increased to bring the focus on the dog itself.

Analysis and Interpretation

This picture convey the ideas of how innocent pet may be and the positivity of having a pet at home and how it could bring joy to the family. A dog would not have ulterior agenda and is more genuine in this sense.

Evaluation and judgment

Usually, only dog lovers would understand the unparalleled innocent love that the dog would provide us with. Normal people might not have the same feelings per se as they do not have as much interaction/experience with a real dog in this case.

Image one - minus negative spaces

I have removed all of the dark features of the dog, such as the eyes, mouth, skin patches, fur and other dark spaces. This is the maximum number of negative spaces (black) I could remove from the image. As seen in the picture, the white distinct shape of the dog is able to tell the viewer that it is still a dog by the white silhouette of the dog. Any further removal of shapes dark patches might result in the viewer to be unable to tell that it is a dog. The white fur intact also indicates that it is a dog to the user, removing it would make it difficult to actually specify which four legged animal the picture is showing. Meanings are generally the same without features of the dog which might decrease the affective element in the picture itself.

Image one- minus positive space

Similarly, the silhouette of the dog has to be retained for the users to actually tell that it is a four legged animal. In the case for subtracting positive spaces, shading the whole dog might have different effects. By retaining the ball in the mouth of the dog, its nose and ears, and some dark fur, it gives certain cues to the viewer to tell that it is a dog and not other four legged animals such as a small fox. Similarly, the affective nature is reduced as it only shows mainly a shadow with lesser features.

Image two - original image


Personally, this image captures the essence of luxury in today's modern society. Everyone is vying and aiming to be rich and hence able to afford luxury sports cars.


The picture is taken from a digital photograph by a photographer, changed to black and white digitally and contrast increased to bring the focus on the car itself.

Analysis and Interpretation

This picture convey the ideas of how individuals work really hard in society and become richer and make use of these material goods to actually flaunt their own wealth.

Evaluation and judgment

Usually, majority of the people would think that having a sports car might be impossible in this life and this reduce the impact driven on individuals. People who are near to their goal of owning the car might feel different about the photo.

Image two - Minus negative space
The bumper, all the way up to the wheels and all the bottom part of the vehicle have been removed. The upper portion is retained so that it resembles a car. By cutting off the whole part would result in a big white block that might be hard for viewers to actually tell that it is a sports car (and not a small van). Car become more futuristic in this picture which resulted in a change of people's mindset that this might be a future invention rather than thinking of owning a sports car.

Image two - Minus positive spaces
Majority of the car's positive spaces have been shaded off. Only the wheels and headlights are left out for users to actually tell that it is a sports car. The dark silhouette also enable users to tell that it is a sports car. Ideas are similar to original picture since it is still visibly a sports car.

Image three -original image

Image three- minus positive spaces

The maximum space that this image can remove its positive spaces is as follows. The lamps still need to be intact to let the viewer actually know that this is actually part of an urban landscape. Removing the lamps provide no clues for the users to actually tell that it is an urban landscape.

Image four original image

Image 4 - removing the positive space 1

The silhouette of the window panels of an urban landscape is retained even when the positive spaces is removed.

Another experimentation - Image 4 - removing the positive space 2

Alternatively, the opposite could be done. Instead of removing positive space in the form of window panels, the positive spaces in the form of its background could be removed instead and viewers could still tell by the forms of the window panels to tell that it is an urban landscape.

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