Thursday, September 29, 2016

Week 6 reflection - negative and positive spaces

I personally think that the concept of negative and positive spaces is very interesting as it brings about interesting effects in design. The video shown during the lecture was quite confusing for an individual who do not really know how to appreciate art well. It looks like a very old fashioned (1990s) gaming console game. However, it does show certain elements of negative and positive spaces when it transits from having its positive and negative spaces switched to negative and positive spaces vice versa. Some concepts of negative and positive art pieces i found really fascinated by is where art pieces have different variations/image when you look at the positive space vs the negative space. For example the picture as follows:

The negative spaces actually reveals two person facing each other while the white spaces resembles a vase. This is particularly interesting as it put in different meanings into one art piece. Apart from using negative and positive space for this means, usage of negative and positive spaces also changes the tone of the whole design. For example, negative can connote dark, sad mood while more usage of positive spaces might bring about more brightness to the design and hence give a more positive mood to the picture.

Image result for negative space in design

This is one such example to commemorate the passing on of Apple's previous CEO, steve job. Usage of negative spaces are abundance to indicate that the solemness of the picture.

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