Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Week 5 reflection - Composition

The fibonacci sequence has always been a very interesting concept as it is amazing how even nature follow the sequences, such as the arrangement of sunflower seeds on a sunflower. Taking all these concepts and applying it into composition, I feel that it is extremely important for design in general extended to films, advertisement, posters and possibly encompassing many more of such design.

The rule of two thirds or golden ratio is actually prevalent in many of the designs that we actually see today.

From architectural structure in greece.

To effective posters we see everyday in today's context.

Many designers are using these concepts to actually design their stuff. However, I think that in today's complicated society, attention grabbing is getting harder as day goes by. Eventually designers might actually have to design something that we are not used to seeing and making use of novelty to grab our attention. By then, certain design might actually forgo the rule to come out with something more out of the norm.

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