Thursday, September 29, 2016

week 7 - disturbb homework

The three image that I have chosen for the collage is as follows:

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

The collage image is as follows:

Makeing use of image 2's "bean shaped" urban structure, I make use of the concept of repetition to create the body of the "crab". The pincers are taken from image 3's erasers and compasses and the legs are from image 3's pen, markers and paintbrush. All  these are reconstructed with image 2's urban structure. Finally, for the eyes, it is taken from Image 1's circular structure. Rescaled it for the smaller circle to make it resemble more like a crab's eyes which is small.


Personally, I did not have any ideas in mind when creating this piece of art. After taking different details of the artpieces randomly, I found out that it actually look like a crab (with all the compasses for its pincers, paintbrush for legs, urban structure for its body)


The details are cut out from A4 sized paper and pieced together on an A3 sized paper on a landscape layout. Details are cut out using a pen knife and placed together using glue. For the "eyes" of the crab, the original picture is being scale down to better fit the elements in the picture.

Analysis and Interpretation

This picture convey the ideas of animals and wild life thriving in today's modern society. With urbanisation in place, wildlife habitat might be threatened and eventually putting a threat to the wildlife animals which might in turn cause extinction. This art piece convey this idea by putting modern elements (such as buildings and urban structures, the stationery we use in present day) and piecing them together to form an animal, a crab

Evaluation and judgment

This might not even resemble a crab to some people. Some might just say it is a robot or whatsoever. In addition, it might not necessary convey wildlife thriving in a urban population. There might be variations to the interpretation of this art piece such as harnessing new modern technologies to help wildlife. 

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