Monday, September 12, 2016

week 5 tutorial - Collage, Repetition and Reconstruction

Collage - Original image

The original image is a cottage placed in the middle of a cold, snowy mountainous landscape.

Personally, the photographer is trying to capture the gist off the house. A lone house in the wilderness brings out the element of the house and the house as the focal point of the whole image amidst the wilderness.

The picture was shot in a way that the background, although apparent might not be the focus of the whole picture, instead, the house is the focal point. The image is also black and white and contrast is being fine tuned in a sense that the house becomes more apparent in the picture.

Analysis and Interpretation
The picture is trying to elicit a sense of loneliness as shown by the lone house in a wide space of wilderness. The dark contrast of the house as compared to the lighter contrast of the background make the house much more apparent as the focus, intensifying the effect of loneliness. The mountainous area surrounding it also brings about a sense of entrapment, where the house cannot be mobile and move anywhere easily.

Evaluation and Judgment
Perspective changes how the image is being interpreted. The lone house might indicate "standing out" from the crowd by some people. Another issue is that some people may think that the photo is "photo shopped" as the house in contrast to the background looks different which may change their interpretation of the image itself.

Collage 1

I made the window smaller as the place is snowy and there might be a case of a possible hailstone or ice avalanche and it would make more sense to have a small window, to prevent it from being smashed easily. I also thought that making the base smaller actually makes the overall cottage much more modernised, giving the house a "hovering" effect. The Roof was scaled smaller to give the cottage a much smaller and cosy feel amidst the cold wilderness. Lastly, I scale down the mountain so that people living in the cottage would be able to get out of the place easily without having to climb up the mountain.

This image changes the interpretation by removing the element of "entrapment" by scaling down the mountain. By making the house smaller, it increases the effect of loneliness by making the wilderness in a sense "bigger" as compared to the house.

Collage 2

In the second collage picture, i scale up the roof and base of the house as it is a relatively mountainous area and prone to avalanche and other natural disasters, it actually make sense to have a more sturdy house with a big roof to shelter from snow and a big base to keep it stable

The size of the house make it less lonely as the house is bigger as compared to the wilderness. Interpretation wise, it is still the same.

Repetition - Original image

The original image is a man participating in a powerlifting meet and lifting some weights.

Personally, the photographer is trying to capture the main idea of the sport of powerlifting, which is to lift as much weight as possible. The focus is on the slightly bulked up male and his expression of agony and pain while lifting the weight. The face itself already indicate the pain of this sport

The photo was captured using a typical camera and converted to black and white. The contrast is adjusted so as to give the background a darker contrast while the man a lighter contrast, which make the focus be on the man.

Analysis and Interpretation
The photographer is trying to depict the pain and agony of the sport. The exertion that is require in this sport. The effort that each powerlifters actually put into at the platform while competing at the meet. It also displays the limits a person can bring forward. How the human body can actually do wonders and do stuff that is thought to be impossible by the average people.

Evaluation and Judgment

However, there might be hidden meanings behind this pain and agony. People only see the good side of the sport of powerlifting. The image only portray that one has to exert everything they have during the meet. The image did not portray the sacrifices made by the athlete, the money spend on nutrition, training equipment and time taken to train for the meet, the injuries, blood, sweat that is generated to prepare an individual to step on the platform to compete. People who do not know much about the sport would think that it is just some random overweight individual lifting weights.

Repetition 1

In this particular image, i replicate the weights and piece them together which is apt as people would want to lift as much weights in such an event.

The analysis and interpretation is generally the same just that it reiterate the response, which is to lift as much weight as possible in the sport of powerlifting.

Repetition 2

In the second image, I duplicate the arms of the man lifting the weights . This is also apt as powerlifters need to grip the weights tight to prevent it from slipping off, so it would be good to have many pairs of hands to actually support the weight.

Similarly, meaning did not change much just that it would lessen the pain and agony of the lifter if there are a few more pairs of hands

Reconstruction - original image

This image is an image of a bridge across a water body, with hills in the distant.

Personally, the photographer is trying to capture the bridge which leads to nowhere. This actually is captured by having the bridge as the focal point going ahead across a water body which has no destination.

The photo was captured using a typical camera and converted to black and white. The contrast is darken with the bridge and the mountainous area being lighter contrast as compared to the water body. However, the focal point remains on the bridge.

Analysis and Interpretation
The photographer is trying to capture the essence of the analogy of life. In life, everything seems like it is leading to somewhere, (in this case the supposedly destination is the beautiful mountain), but in fact it might end up to nowhere, which is why the bridge did not lead to the mountain. Life might be more treacherous with much more obstacles ahead of you rather than an easy path from a bridge.

Evaluation and Judgment
The tranquility of the waterbody and mountain might distort the perspective of people. People might think that the photo is trying to embody the sense of relax destination instead of thinking so much about other more complexity in life. Also, the experiences and mood of people might change the perception of the interpretation itself.

Reconstruction 1

I reconstructed the placement of the mountain to put it beside the bridge. This way, it would seems to look as if the bridge is for people to trudge up the mountain. Beside the mountain would be water bodies, which depict that the mountain is in the middle of a water body. On the top, the position of the sky remains the same.

Connecting the bridge to the mountain totally change the interpretation of the image. It might interpret as "aiming for the sky" by climbing up a tough mountainous bridge you can reach your ultimate haven destination which is the sky.

Reconstruction 2

For the second image , i placed the mountain near to the start of the bridge while i add the water bodies to the end of the bridge. This depicts the transition from "land to sea" when a user actually walk through the bridge. This indicates life, which mean that as you enters into a particular part of your life you might exit that phase very much differently.

This image also changes the interpretation of the image. instead of heading to the mountain this might change the meaning also. Cherish while having beautiful things by your side(mountain near to you), but in the future, everything you might have now might be gone and turn into nothing (a pool of water).

Another reconstruction

In this image, I placed the mountain at the bottom along with part of the sky. This is to indicate that an individual must transcend the sky and mountain (arduous journey) before transiting to "heaven" which is a place of peace and tranquility (water), with a bridge.

Similarly, this image portray that you need to go through an arduous journey to reach heaven.

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